Monday, May 16, 2011

A photo a day cont..

These 2 days document what I find around our house ALL the time. The big girls are at school and I can walk into their room or the toy room and find the toys doing things like this. The creepy thing is it looks like they deliberately lifted their books to cover up what they were up too... And the littlest pets all snuggled up in their little beds..Creepy sweet..

Little Miss M. With blanket, big bubby and sleeping bag on. Going down for her afternoon nap. I don't know how much longer these will I really wanted to document it..

Cats scratch don't ya know Mr PH?  Get away man - get away now! Perhaps his daredevil attitide to felines stems from the fact that it appears his brain is in his butt? Upside down day for Mr PH...hehe



  1. Very funny Photo a Day post...are you going slightly crazy thinking of what to photograph???

  2. Really cool pics babe, BUT you are scaring me a little. I feel the need to lock up our Mr PH when you come around next. Luv u tho!xx

  3. Hey Celeste!!Photos,too cute...
    Thanks for your Comment on my Get Picky LO - Ready Set Go!!!
    & in regards to the Lanten banner its a paper.. Jillibean Soup-Summer Squash Soup, Crookneck zucchini...
    I dont know if you received my comment, which I tryed to leave a couple of days ago... But with all the blooger problems I thought I leave another 1......
